The twins celebrated Valentine's Day with a trip to Mommy's work in the morning to "help" her work, short nap-time, pasta lunch and heart-shaped pizza and cookies for dinner. They have both been sound asleep since 7:00pm so I guess they had a good day :)
Knock on wood, for the first time in months the twins are healthy! We have finally got rid of the constant runny noses! I'm not sure if it is the spring like weather we are having lately but whatever it is we'll take it.
It's been a while since I have given a update on the twins so here it is:
Teeth - Both still have 12 teeth but Reagan's top eye teeth have poked through and Quinn's
bottom eye teeth have poked through.
Sleeping - Both still sleep from 7pm - 7am. On weekends they usually let us sleep until 8am! However, nap-time for Reagan has become a thing of the past when she is home with us on the weekends. She still will nap at daycare but will play in her crib for 1-2 hours at home. Quinn is a great napper. He usually naps about 2 hours. Both still sleep in their cribs. We haven't even thought about switching them to big boy/girl beds.
Eating - We used to have good we have typical toddlers. They eat what they want, when they want. Quinn's favorites are lasagna, meatloaf, sweet potatoes and all fruits. Reagan's favorites are pastas especially spaghetti and all fruit. She hasn't found a veggie she loves yet.
Talking - I would say they both have a vocabulary of more than 50 words. Reagan is better than Quinn at putting words together but as always I don't think he is too far behind. They are picking up words every day and amaze me with how much they can understand. Quinn's favorite saying is "what's that". His first words when he wakes up in the morning are "what's that" and it continues constantly throughout the day. It seems like just yesterday they were learning their first words and now they can sing songs. The other morning before daycare I heard Reagan sing the whole song of row, row, row your boat and this afternoon Quinn was rocking in the rocking chair signing rock-a-bye baby.
Books - We love books! I would say their favorite toys are books. They love to be read to and love to learn and name everything in the books.
Sibling love - As can be seen in the photo below the twins love each other but they also love to fight with each other. In a normal day I probably break up 20 fights between toys. It doesn't matter if the have one or two of the same toy they always end up fighting over one. Biting and hitting have become very common in our house. I haven't figured out yet how to make this stop so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know!
I will leave you with a couple photos from the past couple weeks. Doesn't Reagan look so much different with her hair in a ponytail? Where did my baby go?
Super Bowl Sunday! Don't they look enthused!
Snacks! Our favorite!
Thanks for checking in - Hope you all enjoy the nice weather!
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