The twins had their big party about a month ago now. They had so much fun and got way to many presents. Thank you everyone for coming and celebrating with us! Below are some pictures from the big day!
The best shot of the two of them together that they would allow.
They were anxious to play with all the kids!

Even though we got a pull string pinata the kids still had fun attempting to break it open!
They were spoiled and got way to many presents!
Eating cake!
Taking a rest with Papa

Playing in the rain! What could be more fun for two year olds?
Riding their new bikes from Papa and Grandma!
The week after their birthday party Matt and I headed to Peurto Vallarta, Mexico for 7 nights and 8 days for a friends wedding. The weather was beautiful and the drinks were delicious! Although we had a great time, we were ready to get home to see the kids. While we were gone the kids were busy spending time with all their grandparents and from what I hear they didn't miss us too much.

Until next time!
Mickey and Minnie are their favorite right now

They were anxious to play with all the kids!

The week after their birthday party Matt and I headed to Peurto Vallarta, Mexico for 7 nights and 8 days for a friends wedding. The weather was beautiful and the drinks were delicious! Although we had a great time, we were ready to get home to see the kids. While we were gone the kids were busy spending time with all their grandparents and from what I hear they didn't miss us too much.
Since we have been home we have been spending the nice days playing outside. The kids love to play in their new pool they got for their birthday. Quinn especially loves being outside. He lets us know by the wonderful 2 year old tantrums that he doesn't want to go in yet!!
So what are our 2 years old up to? Everything!
Only takes naps when she decides she wants to
Loves peas, all fruit and cheese
Has went on the potty numerous times but usually tells me she has to go right after.
Is a little peanut - only the 10th% for height and off the charts little in weight
Is a sassy little spitfire and is going to make me go gray before I turn 30
Talks extremely well and uses sentences regularly
Loves to read books
Loves to play ring around the rosie and sing along to songs
Loves to be the boss and is always trying to tell Quinn what to do
So what are our 2 years old up to? Everything!
Only takes naps when she decides she wants to
Loves peas, all fruit and cheese
Has went on the potty numerous times but usually tells me she has to go right after.
Is a little peanut - only the 10th% for height and off the charts little in weight
Is a sassy little spitfire and is going to make me go gray before I turn 30
Talks extremely well and uses sentences regularly
Loves to read books
Loves to play ring around the rosie and sing along to songs
Loves to be the boss and is always trying to tell Quinn what to do

Loves to sleep - takes a 2 hour nap a day at least
Loves pasta, crescent rolls, watermelon and cantaloupe
Will sit on the potty but only because he thinks he is going to get an M&M
Loves his blankies and usually has to take two to daycare everyday
Is small for his age 10th% for height and 25th for weight
Loves to read books
Loves to play ring around the rosie (is usually being lead by Reagan)
Loves to play in the water
Loves to sleep - takes a 2 hour nap a day at least
Loves pasta, crescent rolls, watermelon and cantaloupe
Will sit on the potty but only because he thinks he is going to get an M&M
Loves his blankies and usually has to take two to daycare everyday
Is small for his age 10th% for height and 25th for weight
Loves to read books
Loves to play ring around the rosie (is usually being lead by Reagan)
Loves to play in the water

Until next time!