I know it has been too long since my last post but I just can't seem to fine time anymore!! Since my last post we have been sick! We have had the stomach flu, fevers, runny noses, coughs, etc.
Literally, two days after my last post where I said we were finally healthy I received a call from daycare that Reagan had thrown up. She proceeded to throw up randomly for a week. Quinn also got sick but only for one day. Below is a picture of Reagan when she wasn't feeling the best. Poor little girl looks so sad.

Following the flu, Quinn was running a high fever for 2 days so I took him to the doctor and of course had another ear infection. We went through the course of the antibiotics and within 2 days he was sick again. This was a couple weeks ago. We were in
Dodgeville visiting Matt's parents and grandpa who was in the hospital when Quinn woke up from his nap and was wheezing, his heart was racing and he was lethargic. We took him to the ER/Urgent Care in
Dodgeville. He had
bronchialitis and another ear infection. We finished his antibiotic early last week and he seems to be doing well. I feel so bad for him that he gets ear infections all the time. How many does he need to have before they says he needs tubes? Reagan has never had an ear infection but it seems during the winter Quinn can never get rid of them!!!
GRRRR! Below is a picture of Quinn from the hospital visit in
Dodgeville. He was so sick and just sat there the whole time (2 plus hours) so nicely and even fell asleep in my lap which has not happened since he was a baby.

Currently, Reagan is a little sick. She has a runny nose and a slight cough. I'm hoping we are all better this weekend so we can celebrate Easter in
The twins are 22 months now. I can't believe in a little over a month they will be 2!!! Time has gone so fast I feel as though they are still my little 5lb babies. So what are our almost 2 year
olds up to? Everything and anything! There is no relaxing when they are awake! Reagan is now talking in sentences which I can understand. I'm not sure everyone can understand what she says but it is coming together quickly. I'm sure in no time she will be talking nonstop! My favorite is when we are grocery shopping and everything we pass she screams "I want that, I want that, I want that!" She doesn't stop until we find the next item she wants and it starts all over again!
Their favorite thing to do is run around in their diapers! If they are cranky you strip them down to their diapers and let them run wild. I'm hoping they outgrow this!
I will end with some pictures from the past two months. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

I was trying to get a picture of Reagan's hair in french
braid pig tails but she wasn't having it at all!

Playing in a box! What could be more fun!

Quinn's favorite thing to do when he gets out of the tub is lose
his towel and ride the horse naked!

Baby girl!

Showing of their new towels


Posing for a picture. One of the only nice one of the two of them
I was able get in the past two months!
Until next time!