The following weekend we were in Dodgeville/Madison for Becky and Tim's wedding! It was a great day! Congratulations again Tim and Becky! We wish you many years of happiness. The kids love to dance and did so until we forced them off the dance floor!

At one point they got thirsty but continued to dance! Coordinated toddlers!
We also hit up an apple orchard this year during a warm October weekend. We didn't do any apple picking this year. We let the kids run to burn of some energy.

I love this picture! So sweet!
(We are generally fighting over toys, blankets, cups, etc. 24/7)
When we got home from the apple orchard we decided it was too nice to be inside so we let the kids play in the leaves. They had a blast and asked to do it almost everyday after for about a month. Occasionally they still ask!

What a diva! That's our Reagan!!
We let the kids paint pumpkins instead of carve this year. Two 2 year olds with knifes didn't seem like a good idea. Surprisingly they used the paint brush mostly and only colored on the pumpkins and the plate I put the paint on! I was very impressed!!

The twins were Raggedy Anne and Raggedy Andy for Halloween this year. They were adorable. Next year they will most likely be demanding that what they wear so I thought this may be my last chance to get them to match. I loved it and they didn't seem to mind :) They did great trick or treating and would say thank you after they received candy but did get tired after about one street so we headed home. They got way too much candy!

So what else is new in our world? Reagan is 100% potty trained (even through the night) and has been so for about 6 weeks. Amazing - I love it! She trained herself in one day. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Quinn has no desire to be potty trained. I asked him one night last week if he wanted to go potty on the big kid potty and he said "no", I ask why and he said "cause", so I guess we will wait a while longer. I cannot wait to be rid of diapers!
We are definitely in our terrible twos. They throw tantrums, cry and whine numerous time throughout the day and really like to aggravate each other. But, they can also be very loving and give each other hugs or gently pat boo boos after one of them gets hurt, they will feel your head and ask if you have a fever, say I love you all the time, blow kisses whenever they pretend to go bye, bye, etc.
I can't believe they are 2 1/2 already and we are heading into our third Christmas with them. I am so thankful they are health and happy, wells adjusted, loving, crazy kids. They really soak in everything around them, talk in sentences and can count to 10, say their abc's and know all their colors. It amazes me everyday the knew things they learn. Our favorite sentence right now is "Mommy, I not be naughty". They say this every time after they get in trouble, redirected, etc. So cute. How can I stay mad at them after they say that for unrolling the whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet or coloring on the wall?
At times our life is hectic and very loud but I would have it any other way!
Until next time,